Friday, 25 October 2013

5 ways to get back the control over your Life!

Yes it’s true most of us do not have control over our own Lives. There have been innumerable times when we realise that time just whizzed past us and we have not done anything material. It seems as if the “Time Goddess” is laughing at us on the face and chiding us on our incompetence to value our time and as a result our life.

There are times when we are so stuck up in completing mundane tasks and errands that we completely lose focus on our ultimate Life goals. We just keep existing instead of really Living our lives. Don’t you think its high time we took stock of our lives and actually Live our Lives.
Here are 5 ways on how you can get back the control on your life.

MIT’S(Most Important Tasks).

Important Tasks should find a place on your List which you take for granted. For starters include atleast 3 MIT’s(Most Important Tasks) in your early morning routine so that you can start your day in a more focussed style. For eg. my MIT’s include Praying to God by thanking him for everything in my life, a brief chat with your loved ones, a few minutes of quiet time to yourself with your favourite cuppa of tea/coffee/juice. In my quiet time I think on what I really want to achieve in my Life and how I see myself a couple of years down the line. Then I think on whether I am doing anything about how I see myself say 5 years down the line. For eg. if you see yourself as a successful author then are you writing for atleast an hour everyday. Success never comes overnight. Behind every success stories there are hours of hard work, dedication and perseverance which goes unpublished.

Result Oriented Focus

Focus more on the Result you want to achieve rather than the process of achieving it.
For eg. if you want to throw a party where everyone has fun then you should be concentrating more on friends and family feeling comfortable rather than matching the crockery with the napkins! Since most of the time we are stuck up in the process we lose focus of what we actually set out to achieve in the first place. Once you focus solely on the result you will realise that you can achieve your desired outcome with a much shorter and simpler TO-DO List.

 Choose & then Act.

Stop running with the flow. Choose what you truly want to do and ACT on it. If you choose to wake up early in the morning then make an actual effort to sleep early and wake up at your desired time. Most of the time we want to achieve a lot of things but keep complaining and cribbing about the lack of time or we simply are too easy going on actually making an effort to change our habits which have been built up over time.

 Love your Work

Don’t do things which you do not enjoy or simply hate doing it. Each and everything that we do in our everyday life should be done with a lot of enthusiasm. For eg. if you do not like ironing then simply delegate it to someone in your home or get paid help. In some cases where you simply have to do it yourself then think of it as if the task is giving happiness to your loved ones. For eg. you hate taking out the trash each morning, so while doing it you can think of how this important task of yours is keeping your home hygienic and your family members healthy and happy. Then think of whether you will like it if your home stinks of garbage and your family feels unhealthy. This simple shift of focus in your thought pattern will make you love the Task that you are doing.

 You are special!

Please yourself first. If you are not happy then others around you can never be happy.

Happiness is an emotion which should basically flow out of you onto others. If you think of sacrificing and compromising all the time to make others happy it will result in a total fiasco. How can you give something to others which you yourself do not possess?? Do not do things you simply hate just to please others. Live your life the way you want to. If someone does not like you or appreciate you then it’s the problem of that person not your’s.